Since no school for a week, duh we have to go to the beach. Cami, Kenny & I hit up the beaches on North Shore at pipeline. It was literally THE perfect beach day and boy would I be lying if I didn't say I've never seen the water so clear and blue. This is exactly how I pictured all of hawaii. Wow I fall in love with it more and more everyday (literally falling for hawaii lol) Cami & I dropped our stuff on the beach and ran down into the waves. There were people surfing all around us and the waves were so big we had to duck dive under them. IT WAS SO FUN. But on the way swimming back in, we got caught in the crash zone and tried to duck under them but it was too late and got thrown around like crazy for a good five minutes until the swell passed. Still worth it tho. Got a lotta sun, shells and sand thats for sure. Pipeline is definitely a new fav. If you ever come to oahu, it's a must. Anyways, till next time. As cami and I always say: Catch ya on the flip side niggaaas.